Curriculum Framework of the PYP

Curriculum Framework of the PYP

What is the Curriculum Framework of the PYP?


The aim of the PYP is to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. It is achieved through inquiry-based learning and the development of the 5 essential elements of the PYP: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action.

1- Knowledge: What do we want students to know?
While the Primary Years Programme acknowledges the importance of traditional subject areas (Language, Mathematics, social studies, Science, Personal, social and physical education and the Arts),it is also recognized that it is equally important to acquire a set of skills in context, to explore content that is relevant to students, and transcends the boundaries of the traditional subjects. The Primary Years Programme has six transdisciplinary themes that provide the framework for learning. These six themes are globally significant, support the acquisition of knowledge, Concepts, and skills of the traditional subjects.

The six PYP Transdisciplinary Themes are:
1- Who we are
2- Where we are in place and time
3- How we express ourselves
4- How the world works
5- How we organize ourselves
6- Sharing the planet

2- Concepts: What do we want students to understand?
The following key concepts are used to support and structure the inquiries. The exploration of concepts leads to a deeper understanding and allows students to transfer knowledge learned in one area of the curriculum to another.
1- Form: What is it like?
2- Function: How does it work?
3- Causation: Why is it like this?
4- Change: How is it changing?
5- Connection: How is it connected to other things?
6- Perspective: What are the points of view?
7- Responsibility: What is our responsibility?

3- Skills: What do we want students to be able to do?
Throughout their learning in the Primary School, students acquire and apply a set of skills which are valuable not only for the teaching and learning that goes on with classroom but also in life outside the school.

The skills are:
1- Thinking skills
2- Communication skills
3- Social skills
4- Research skills
5- Self management skills

4- Action: How do we want the students to act?
Students are encouraged to take action as a result of their learning in the classroom and beyond it in real life situations. Teachers can know about these outside actions from parents.